Thursday, 30 July 2015

Mystery of Relics....!

Relics are never simply human remains; rather, they’re the remains of some kind of saint, or an artifact that’s believed to have been blessed by a saint or God. The most iconic religious relics came to be symbols of God’s power on Earth. majority of the best-known relics that have been found and studied form part of the Christian faith.

Buddha’s Tooth

Buddha, at the age of 80, is said to have reached Parinirvana, which means that he could abandon his body and live on in an eternal deathless state. After his last meal, he became ill and died. Following his cremation, his tooth was found in the ashes and has since been used in a variety of ways. Its spiritual merit has converted Indian Kings to Buddhism.

Lord Buddha Relics Stupa, Vaishali, Bihar, India

St. Francis Xavier relics

A public display of relics tied to St. Francis Xavier, the Jesuit missionary who exported Christianity to Japan in the 16th century, began Saturday in Old Goa, a historic city in the former Portuguese colony that is now part of India.
Xavier was born in 1506 in Xavier, in the Kingdom of Navarre, now part of Spain. While the Jesuit undertook most of his missionary work in India, he also took his evangelical mission to Japan and other Asian countries.
He landed in what is now the city of Kagoshima in 1549 and spent two years there preaching the gospel.
In 1552, Xavier died in China, where he had intended to carry on his missionary work. His remains were later buried in Goa, then a Portuguese colony. He was beatified in 1619
Below is the hand of St. Francis Xavier :-

His right hand was cut off the mummified corpse located in Old Goa, India in 1614 and kept in Rome.
Shortly after the first exhibition of the corpse, a Portugese woman bit off one of the Saint's big toes. The toe is now in a silver reliquary in another cathedral in Goa. One of St. Francis Xavier's (diamond-encrusted) fingernails is on display in a nearby village and his left hand is in Japan.

The head of St. John Chrysostom, the Archbishop of Constantinople in the late 4th and early 5th century

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Hierarchy of the Devils

Hierarchy of the Devils

This information is for those who wants to understand what Black Magic demons are categorized. We will shade more light in coming days. 

First Hierarchy:

1. Beelzebub was Prince of the Seraphim, and next unto Lucifer. All the chief of the nine choir of angels are fallen. Of the choir of Seraphim there fell at first Lucifer, Beelzebub and Leviathan, who did all revolt. Michael was the first that resisted Lucifer, and the rest of the good angels followed him, so that now he is the chief among them.

2. Leviathan is the Prince of the same order, and is the ringleader of the heretics, tempting men with sins that are directly repugnant unto faith.

3. Asmodeus is of the same order. He continues a Seraphim to his day, that is, he burns with the desire to tempt men with his swine of luxuriousness, and is the prince of the wantons.

4. Balberith is Prince of the Cherubim. He tempts men to commit homicides, and to be quarrelsome, contentious, and blasphemous.

5. Astaroth, Prince of the Thrones, is always desirous to sit idle and be ease. He tempts men with idleness and sloth.

6. Verrine is also one of the Thrones, and next in place unto Astaroth, and he tempts men with impatience.

7. Gressil is the third in the order of Thrones, and he tempts men with impurity and uncleanness.

8. Sonneillon is the fourth in the order of Thrones, and he tempts men with hatred against their enemies.

Second Hierarchy:

9. Carreau, Prince of Powers, temps men with hardness of heart.

10. Carnivean is also a Prince of powers, and does tempt men to obscenity and shamelessness.

11. Oeillet is a Prince of Dominions. He tempts men to break the vow of poverty.

12. Rosier is the second in the order of Dominions, and by his sweet and sugared words, he tempts men to fall in love.

13. Verrier is Prince of Principalities, and temps men against the vow of obedience.

Third Hierarchy:

14. Belias, Prince of the order of Virtues, tempts men with arrogance.

15. Olivier, Prince of the Archangels, temps men with cruelty and mercilessness toward the poor.

16. Iuvart is Prince of Angels.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

कर्ण पिशाचिनी - सिद्धि

कर्ण पिशाचिनी साधना यह एक गुप्त त्रिकालदर्शी साधना है. नीचे दिया गया मंत्र कर्ण पिशाचिनी को जाग्रत कर देगा और फिर साधक पिशाचिनी से अपना मूह-माँगा वरदान पा सकेगा. एक बार इस मंत्र की सिद्धि पाने के बाद साधक कोई भी चीज़, इच्छा या वस्तु को पिशाचिनी की कृपा से पा सकेगा. साधक को भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाओं का ज्ञान हो सकेगा

कर्ण पिशाचिनी साधक के कानों में भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाओं को बता देगी या साधक के किसी भी प्रशन का उत्तर कान में आकर बोल देगी और साधक त्रिकालदर्शी हो जाएगा.
कर्ण पिशाचिनी की साधना का मंत्र नीचे दिया गया है

लिंग सर्वनाम शक्ति भगवती कर्ण-पिशाचिनी चड रुपी सच-सच मम वचन दे स्वाहा.

मंत्र को साधने की विधि इस प्रकार है

किसी भी नवरात्र में भूत-शुद्धि, स्थान-शुद्धि, गुरु स्मरण, गणेश पूजन, नवग्रह पूजन से पूर्व एक चौकी पर साफ़ लाल कपडा बिछाएं. उस पर ताम्बे का एक लोटा स्थापित करें. कलश पर एक सूखा नारियल रखें. कलश के चारों ओर पान, सिन्दूर, दो लड्डू, एक कटा हुआ मुर्गा, एक लोटे में मुर्गे का खून रखें. कलश पूजन कर, समस्त सामग्री के चारों तरफ मुर्गे के खून से स्तंभित करें. इसके बाद कंधे पर लाल कपडा रख कर उपरोक्त दिए गए मंत्र का जाप करें. रोजाना एक हज़ार बार उपरोक्त मंत्र का जाप नौ दिन तक करें और दसवें दिन, एक हज़ार मन्त्रों का जाप किसी शमशान या कब्रिस्तान में करें.

दसवें दिन का जाप समाप्त होते ही कर्ण पिशाचिनी साक्षात रूप में दर्शन देगी. साधक और पिशाचिनी आपस में बात करके किसी निष्कर्ष पर पहुँच सकते हैं और उसके बाद जो भी शर्तें रखी जायेंगी, उसके हिसाब से साधक और पिशाचिनी एक साथ रहेंगे और ये साथ साधक के जीवन-पर्यन्त रहेगा और साधक की मृत्यु के साथ समाप्त हो जायेगा.

साधक को सलाह दी जाती है की पिशाचिनी के साथ शर्तें मानने से पहले, ध्यान से सोच ले, क्यूंकि एक बार शर्तों का फैसला होने के बाद उनको पलटना संभव नहीं होगा.”

**यह जानकारी केवल जिज्ञासु पाठकों के लिए दी गयी है. इस प्रक्रिया को बिना सोचे समझे न करें.